Central Park

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Updated: 01/31/2024

C/ Manel Farrés, Crta. de Vallvidrera, C/ Josep Vidal i Granés, C/ Rovellat
08172 Sant Cugat del Vallès



Marta de Castro

Ajuntament de Sant Cugat | Cultura, Coneixement i Promoció de la ciutat

(+34) 93. 675.99.51/ 627. 43. 79. 90 EXT. 2891/4190



The Central Park is an urban green area crossed by a small stream. It is organized according to a path parallel to the stream (pedestrian and cyclist, illuminated and bordered by trees) that runs up and down the park. The park is home to a wide variety of pine trees, plane trees, maples, plum trees and other trees; likewise, you can find basketball courts and a large grass area to practice different sports and activities. Currently, the upper part of the park connects to the Turó de Can Matés Park through the Vallvidrera Highway.

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