La Llotja

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Updated: 06/14/2021

Av. Tortosa, 4
25005 Lleida



Maria Domènech Nadal

Tècnica del Departament d’Audiovisuals – Regidoria Ciutat i Cultura

(+34) 973 700 393  · ext. 1753


La Llotja is an iconic building with the ability to identify the city. It is located in the center of Lleida, 5-minute walk from the city train station and half an hour from Alguaire airport, in a building of exceptional architecture (awarded by The Architectural Ateneum of Chicago) has breathtaking views of historic town, Old Cathedral and River Segre, from any of the large windows and from the terrace Damoon. It has one of the best national theatres,  for its unique design and its acoustics. Davall has the gastronomic restaurant, lounge bar, with a variety of liquors and  the cafeteria, make La Llotja an exquisite place. Catering for banquets, lunches or dinners with local traditional and Mediterranean flavor.