Teatre El Progrés

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Updated: 03/05/2024

C/ Del Mur, 64
08760 Martorell



Raquel Moya Sánchez

Press and Communication - Martorell City Council


(Tel.) +34 937 750 050 (ext. 5986)

(M.) +34 610 48 00 20 (ext. 255)


The building of the Coffee of the Progrés inaugurated in 1928, it was projected by Josep Ros i Ros inside the classic lines of the Novecentismo that the architect had been adopting progressively. The principal front and the later one have the curvilinear crowning and three semicircular portals separated by decorative pilasters fluted with ionic acropolises. In the center there is a big oval with the name of The Progrés surrounded with a decoration of guimaldés. In the side fronts, with a followed one by arches that frame the windows. In the year 1931 inaguró the spectacles room, still nowadays one of those of more capacity of the region, of two plants and a big stage. In the first floor, wooden sets ventrudas with moldeduras elliptical decorated wrap the dance floor.

In two of the columns the capital has form of small heads with hats frigis, allegorical of the Republic.